Samstag, 20. August 2011


"What do you want to eat?"
"You should eat something!"

"Are you cold?"
"Wait, I'll get you a blanket."

"When you came to Bangladesh you looked all pretty. And now the sun has made you this dark."

"This weather must be hot for you!"
"We have similar temperatures at times in the summer in Germany."
"Exactly. You come from a country where it is really cold. All this ice..."

"Come to visit me. You neeever come to my house."

"What do you want to eat?"
"What should I prepare for you?"

"Are you hot?"
"You should go sit under the fan?"

"How were you able to sleep on this little space?"
"This is a double-bed."

"I am never able to cook you anything. What do you want to eat?"

"You all are so bad. Don't ruin your cousin!"
"See auntie, they mess me up with all their baaad influence."

"When are you coming to Bangladesh again?"
"I've just been here for six months."
"Are you coming back this year?"

"You didn't eat anything at all!"
"I ate a lot at your house, auntie. See: my belt doesn't even fit anymore."
"You look so skinny. What is your father going to say?!"

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